Metasploit 3.3 released

November 18, 2009 – 5:42 AM

Nearly one year after the release of Metasploit 3.2, the Metasploit Project developers have announced the availability of version 3.3 of the Metasploit Framework. The comprehensive programming framework for developing exploits for vulnerabilities is used by security researchers, penetration testers and black hat crackers alike. The latest release includes a number of updates, improvements and new features.

In addition to more than 180 bug fixes and “major” start up speed improvements, Metasploit 3.3 features 445 exploit modules (up from 320), 216 auxiliary modules (up from 99), support for Ruby 1.9.1 and support for new operating systems, including Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows payloads now support NX, DEP and IPv6. The Linux installers are now available for 32 and 64-bit systems and include everything most users would need to run the framework.


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