New exploit leaves most Macs vulnerable to permanent backdooring

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Macs older than a year are vulnerable to exploits that remotely overwrite the firmware that boots up the machine, a feat that allows attackers to control vulnerable devices from the very first instruction. The attack, according to a blog post published Friday by well-known OS X security researcher Pedro Vilaca, affects ...

New Stegosploit Tool Hides Malware Inside Internet Images For Instant Drive-by Pwning

Monday, June 1st, 2015

Go online for five minutes. Visit a few webpages. How many pictures do you see? With the media rich nature of the web, chances are your answer is in the hundreds. It is in this space the future of malicious cyber attacks could be embedded. In a presentation at Hack In ...

Android factory reset not enough to keep data secure

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

If you sell or gift your old Android phone to someone, is it enough to do a factory reset to wipe all your sensitive data? And if your Android gets stolen, how sure are you that your anti-theft solution will do a good job wiping it and/or locking the device? Consumers ...

A first aid kit for ransomware infections

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

You've been hit by ransomware and you don't know what to do? Jada Cyrus has assembled a helpful "Ransomware Removal Kit" which contains decryption tools for CryptoLocker, CoinVault, TeslaCrypt and FBIRansomWare, along with instructions on how to use them. "You should never pay the ransom. This will only reinforce this type of ...

NetUSB vulnerability leaves millions of routers open to attack

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Millions of routers and other embedded devices are affected by a serious vulnerability that could allow hackers to compromise them. The vulnerability is located in a service called NetUSB, which lets devices connected over USB to a computer be shared with other machines on a local network or the Internet. The ...