Fake parking tickets direct to malicious Web site

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

In a scary online-offline Internet scam hybrid cars in North Dakota have been tagged with fake parking citations that include a Web address hosting malicious software that drops a Trojan onto the computer. The yellow tickets found on the cars in Grand Forks, North Dakota, read: "PARKING VIOLATION This vehicle is ...

phpBB Downtime and Server Compromise

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

As you may already be aware from the message on phpBB.com or the topic in the #phpBB channel on Freenode, we have recently been attacked via a vulnerability in an outdated PHPList installation. The initial attack was performed well before a new version of the software was released or a ...

Worm Floats Obama’s Head on Your Desktop

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

The odds are pretty good that this will never happen to you, but should a floating head of U.S. President Barack Obama pop up on your desktop Monday morning, know this: You've been hit with the Obama worm. The worm was spotted this past Monday after it infected PCs at a ...

Securely Delete Your Files With DP Shredder

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

DP Shredder scrubs files, folders, and free disk space with Department-of-Defense-approved methods. Completely stand-alone and small, DP Shredder is a great addition to your flash drive toolbox. After selecting the disk, folder, or file you want to securely delete with DP Shredder, you can select the method and number of times ...

Get IE8/Google Chrome Style Domain Highlighting in Firefox

Monday, January 26th, 2009

IE8 and Google Chrome both have a great feature that helps users detect phishing websites by highlighting the root domain when you browse to a page.  You can get this functionality in Firefox with an add-on called Locationbar that is available here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4014 Screenshot: