New service tracks missing laptops for free

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Lose your laptop these days and you lose part of your life: You say good-bye to photos, music and personal documents that cannot be replaced, and if it's a work computer, you may be the source of a very public data breach. But now, researchers at the University of Washington and ...

FWAuto v1.1 – Firewall Auditing & Ruleset Analyzer Tool

Monday, July 14th, 2008

FWAuto (Firewall Rulebase Automation) is a Perl script and should work on any system with Perl installed. Provide the running config of a PIX firewall to fwauto. It will analyze and give you a list of weak rules in your rule base and store the result in multiple output files. Maybe ...

Remembering Longer Passwords Easily

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

One of the members of the Master Mind Security Panel during the ITEC show in Charlotte, Dan Colby, made a great point. Basically, he said "quit using passwords."Colby is president and CEO of Pinstripe, an application development and consulting company in Charlotte. They provide all the IT services for many ...

ZoneAlarm updated after Microsoft’s DNS patch

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

On Thursday, Check Point Software Technologies released updated versions of all its ZoneAlarm products, addressing an incompatibility with a patch Microsoft released earlier this week.The fix requires ZoneAlarm users to download the latest version, 7.0.438.000, from its site. A reboot is required to complete installation.Since Tuesday, ZoneAlarm customers have complained ...

DNSenum – Domain Information Gathering Tool

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

The first stage of penetration testing is usually passive information gathering and enumeration (active information gathering). This is where tools like dnsenum come in, the purpose of DNSenum is to gather as much information as possible about a domain. The program currently performs the following operations: 1. Get the host’s addresse (A ...