Zero day Word flaw exploited by Trojan

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

Microsoft warns that an unpatched Word vulnerability has become the subject of targeted attacks.The flaw - which is restricted to Microsoft Office Word 2002 Service Pack 3 - creates a mechanism for hackers to inject hostile code onto vulnerable systems. Redmond has published workarounds as a stop-gap measure while its ...

Storm botnet stages Fourth of July attacks

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

As predicted, hackers tried to trick users into downloading the Storm bot Trojan Friday by unleashing a flood of Fourth of July spam bearing links to malicious sites, several security companies reported.The spam campaign, anticipated earlier in the week by MX Logic Inc., used messages with subject headings ranging from ...

How your cold explains network intrusion

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

With the cold an flu season most definitely upon us, there is much that the common cold can show us about network intrusion and what can happen once a single compromise has taken place.As you sniffle and blink your way through this article, think of how your computer responds to ...

Trojan lurks, waiting to steal admin passwords

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Writers of a password-stealing Trojan horse program have found that a little patience can lead to a lot of infections.They have managed to infect hundreds of thousands of computers, including more than 14,000 within one unnamed global hotel chain, by waiting for system administrators to log onto infected PCs and ...

Windows SteadyState Bulletproofs Your System

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

So you're thinking, "Hey, I want to be totally irresponsible with my computer and load it up with crapware!" Really, isn't everyone getting tired of having to be so stinking responsible on the Internet all the time? We certainly are. We're ready for system protection that isn't afraid of our ...