You must avoid the Cryptowall

Sunday, June 15th, 2014

The dreaded Cryptolocker virus made an unwelcome return over the last few weeks in the form of a new variant named Cryptowall.If you were not aware of Cryptolocker, it is a nasty malware that computer users may be tricked into opening by way of an e-mail attachment. When opened, it ...

The first mobile encryptor Trojan

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

In the middle of May a unique encryption Trojan that works on Android went on sale on a virus writers’ forum. The asking price - $5,000. A few days later on May 18, we saw the appearance of a new mobile encryptor Trojan in the wild that we detect as ...

Malwarebytes: With Anti-Exploit, we’ll stop the worst attacks on PCs

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Imagine a world where attackers seeking to gain access to your computer are stopped before they can use your technology against you. That world doesn't exist yet, but it took a giant step closer to reality with Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit, a new security program for Microsoft Windows released Thursday. The software, which ...

Malicious major website ads lead to ransomware

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Malicious advertisements on domains belonging to Disney, Facebook, The Guardian newspaper and others are leading people to malware that encrypts a computer's files until a ransom is paid, Cisco Systems has found. The finding comes shortly after technology companies and U.S. law enforcement banded together in a large operation to shut ...

Experts Discover File-Encrypting Android Ransomware

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Security vendor ESET claims to have discovered the first ever piece of file-encrypting Android ransomware, which has an associated C&C server hosted on a TOR domain to hide its location.The malware, detected by the vendor as 'Android/Simplocker', is most likely a work in progress as the implementation of the encryption ...