Filtering Google Searches By Freshness

Sunday, April 27th, 2008

One of the more useful Google advanced search features is the date filter, which limits results to recent pages. Results can be limited to the past day, week, month, year, etc. Google’s Matt Cutts and GoogleOperatingSystem wrote about it late last year. You can access the search via the URL as ...

Mass SQL injection

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

There's another round of mass SQL injections going on which has infected hundreds of thousands of websites. Performing a Google search results in over 510,000 modified pages.

SANS solves mystery of mass Web site infections

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

The SANS Institute has uncovered what they've termed a "rare gem" as far as computer security investigations go that sheds new light on how up to 20,000 Web sites have been hacked since January. They found a sneaky software tool that uses Google's search engine to hunt for Web sites running ...

Yahoo moving to new Web-crawler software

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Yahoo has begun indexing the World Wide Web with its third-generation software, Slurp 3.0, the company said Monday. "With everything now in place, the rollout has officially begun," Sharad Verma and Yoram Arnon said in a posting to Yahoo's search blog on Monday. Unlike top search rival Google, which on Friday revealed ...

Google Comes Knocking In Search Of Hidden Data

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Google on Friday said that it has been testing ways to index data that is normally hidden to search engine crawlers, a change that should improve the breadth of information available through Google. The so-called "hidden Web" that Google has begun indexing refers to data beyond static Web pages, such as Web ...