Web Form Spam Alive and Kicking

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

Spammers have never balked at using Web forms as a way of sending out spam messages–anything to expose their wares. Basically they will look for a public Web server that allows them to provide feedback or information to a certain company. These Web forms require them to fill up certain ...

iPhone vulnerable to phishing attacks

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

Security researcher Aviv Raff said on Wednesday that the iPhone's Mail and Safari applications are prone to URL spoofing and could allow phishing attacks against iPhone users.The alert was anticipated. Prior to the release of the iPhone on July 11, Raff was one of a few security researchers who indicated ...

Phishers Lose the URLs

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Phishers are doing their homework. The conventional way is to ask users to update their accounts by asking them to click a certain link. A phishing email usually displays legitimate URL or a hyperlink. Upon clicking, the user will be redirected to the phishing Web site. But now, there’s no URL ...

Google Mail has more spam

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Roaring Penguin Software says its research shows that the proportion of email coming from Google Mail accounts that is spam has almost quadrupled, from 7 to 27 per cent. This means that more than one email message in four coming from a Google Mail account was classified as spam, which ...

Microsoft Outlook Web Access XSS (MS08-039)

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Several Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities were found in within Outlook Web Access (OWA) 2003/2007. An attacker can craft a malicious email which will trigger within a user's browser. Different version of OWA and different clients (Light and Premium) have different attack vectors which can result in an attacker gaining *persistent* ...