Adding a Right-Click Menu Item for Shred In Linux Mint (Nemo)

October 2, 2015 – 11:23 PM

I see this documented around the interwebs quite a bit and always with the same limitation of only working correctly with files that contain no spaces in the filename.  This is an easy fix so I’ll go over it all again below.

Create a new file in /usr/share/nemo/actions (you must maintain the .nemo_action file ending).  Let’s create a new file called shred.nemo_action with the following contents:

[Nemo Action]
Name=Shred File
Comment=Securely Delete File
Exec=shred –force –remove –verbose –zero %F

The key part that most people miss is the “Quote=double” option.  This is what allows the action to run successfully on files with spaces in the filename.


7 Ways to Secure Your Web Browser Against Attacks

September 21, 2015 – 6:34 AM

Your web browser is under attack. Aside from simply tricking you into downloading and running malicious software, attackers mainly target flaws in your browser and its plug-ins to compromise your PC.

Use these tips to secure your web browser from attackers, whether they’re using malvertising attacks, compromising websites, or just directing you to malicious websites they’ve created.

Keep Your Browser Updated

Use a current web browser and keep automatic updates enabled. Don’t use an outdated web browser like Apple’s Safari for Windows or old versions of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.

Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and leave automatic updates enabled, use a current version of Internet Explorer on a modern version of Windows and install Windows updates, or use Microsoft Edge on Windows 10.


Very useful system management and/or forensics platform for Windows

September 18, 2015 – 3:27 PM

WSCC is a free, portable program that allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites. WSCC can install and update the supported utilities automatically. Alternatively, WSCC can use the http protocol to download and run the programs. WSCC is portable, installation is not required. Extract the content of the downloaded zip archive to any directory on your computer.



230,000 new malware samples detected each day

September 16, 2015 – 9:26 AM

PandaLabs has confirmed a record increase in the creation of new malware samples. In the second quarter of 2015 alone there were an average of 230,000 new malware samples detected each day, which means a total of 21 million new types in these three months.

Compared to the same period last year, where there were 160,000 registered samples, this is an increase of 43%. The majority of these samples are variants of known malware, mutated by cybercriminals to try and stop the antivirus laboratories from detecting the infections.

Trojans continue to be, by a large margin, the most common (71.16%) source of infection, with 76.25% of users infected by this type of malware. This quarter also saw the proliferation of PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) which accounted for 14.39% of infections, placed just behind Trojans.

Among the main threats that this study investigated was the use of Cryptolocker, and how cybercriminals have begun to reuse an old technique to infect users, one which was first seen 20 years ago. It involved infecting users via a macros in Office documents, especially Word. To complete this attack, the criminals included a blurred image which could only been seen if the user activated the macros. Once the user does this, they are infected with Cryptolocker.


First Let’s Encrypt certificate installed and tested.

September 15, 2015 – 10:28 PM
