0patch Open Beta is Launched

June 7, 2016 – 7:28 PM

After a long period of internal development and testing, our mighty little patching machine finally got wings and flew out of the nest.

This is BIG for us. We’ve invested a significant part of our last three years into building a technology and a business model that we believe can make a big difference in how vulnerabilities are getting fixed, and consequently make attacks considerably harder and more expensive. It is our sincere hope that the concept of vulnerability micropatching will some day become a “goes without saying” feature in all computers, from large data-processing machines and employee workstations, to car computers, mobile phones and the tiniest Internet-of-Things gadgets.

0patch does not claim to be a silver bullet, and it only aims to solve a very specific problem of patching vulnerabilities, but we believe it’s the most efficient possible way to bridge the security update gap that makes it so unforgivably easy to break into any network today.

We’re very excited about new users testing our technology, as well as security researchers getting a tool for fixing the vulnerabilities they find. However, as with any new technology, we’re expecting that the wheels will sometimes get stuck, and things might crack or break in unexpected ways – that’s the point of testing. So please remember that our technology is in beta, don’t use it in production yet!



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