Next-gen HTTP 2.0 protocol will require HTTPS encryption

November 14, 2013 – 5:06 AM

Sending data in plain text just doesn’t cut it in an age of abundant hack attacks and mass metadata collection. Some of the biggest names on the Web–Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.–have already embraced default encryption to safeguard your precious data, and the next-gen version of the crucial HTTP protocol will only work for URLs protected by HTTPS.

Mark Nottingham, chair of the HTTPbis working group developing the HTTP 2.0 protocol for the Internet Engineering Task Force, made the announcement early Wednesday in a Worldwide Web Consortium mailing list.

“I believe the best way that we can meet the goal of increasing use of TLS [Transport Layer Security] on the Web is to encourage its use by only using HTTP/2.0 with https:// URIs,” Nottingham wrote.


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