15 Great, Free Privacy Downloads

August 7, 2008 – 5:55 AM

One of the worst privacy invaders the world has ever seen is the Internet. When you surf, Web sites can find out where you’ve been and can gather other information about you. Trojan horses and spyware can snoop on you. Key loggers can capture your keystrokes as you type. Eavesdroppers can steal your passwords.

It doesn’t have to be that way. The 15 downloads presented here can protect you. You’ll find firewalls, password protectors, rootkit killers, trace cleaners, anonymity securers, and more. So check them out, and help yourself to a safer online experience. (Note that the 15 downloads we look at here don’t include any antivirus and antispyware programs. We figured that we’ve covered those packages well enough elsewhere. So instead, we focus on tools you might not have heard about.)


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